Biography Ginette De Beardemaeker

Ginette is a Founder of CYRES Center.

She has a Masters in Business Management.

For 15 years, Ginette has been contracted from CYRES as a Project Lead.  This is a service that CYRES offers, in-the-field guidance on projects, specializing in creating uplifting team spirit and successfully managing any change process where critical milestones and deadlines must be met.

Ginette mainly works on large international finance projects and on IT projects.  Her areas of expertise are training, coaching, testing, and change management.

Ginette brings people and resources together to achieve a goal and ensure that everyone benefits.  She does this with people from around the world, and the ways she supports multicultural aspects and the ways she celebrates differences is a key factor in the success of all the projects she has led.

Projects have been led from Paris, Stuttgart, Oslo, Stockholm, Prague and she trained in Hamburg, Istanbul , Cape Town, Dubai, Beirut and Tel Aviv, usually for 6 months to a year.  Her project clients include, Nokia, Johnson & Johnson, Deloitte, Volvo, Intineris, NN Insurance.

Prior to her project and training successes, Ginette was the Head of a tax office, responsible for verifying more than 30,000 tax returns and leading a team of 15 Senior Tax Controllers.

Ginette is a certified trainer of the ‘Leading Bold Change Program’ from Harvard Professor John Kotter.

Toastmasters is a world leader in Communication and Leadership Development and Ginette was a key person in rolling out Toastmasters Antwerp in CYRES Center.

Ginette brings passion and humor and eagerness to achieve, creating an empowered environment where everyone enjoys the rapid progress happening.