Neuro patterning sounds to reduce stress
Since the 1800s, physicists have been doing research on the effect of sound on the brain and the states of consciousness. In 1839, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove found that providing two slightly different tone frequencies, one in each ear, were perceived as a third phantom frequency depicted by the difference of these two frequencies, which was called binaural beats. He also found out that the brain has a natural tendency to align with the phantom wave, thus entraining the brain to a different state of consciousness. Other sound patterns, like asynchronic music, have also been the basis of research studies and its effect on the brain.
Neuro patterning sounds can induce a state of relaxation in 15 minutes, what would otherwise take your 30 years of meditation to get there. Ideal for a good sleep during the night or an energising catnap.
In medical science there is a clear understanding that specific overall brainwave patterns correlate with specific states of consciousness. Gamma state, or the state of interconnectedness, or god state has frequencies greater than 30(Hz). Normal consciousness where a person is aware of time and space is BETA (13-30Hz). ALPHA (8-12 Hz) is the state where you are not aware of space nor time, typically the state before falling a sleep. THETA (4-8 Hz) is characteristic for the dream state and lucid dreaming adventures, and finally DELTA (less than 4 Hz) is characterised as deep sleep or black hole sleep.
Most people are well aware of these different states of consciousness, and go in and out of them during the day and night, but have no active control over it. They cannot at will go to one state or another. This is where neuro patterning sounds, NPS, come in. While playing around with the audio frequencies that are played in left and right ear, binaural beats can create a phantom wave at will of any frequency and thus entraining the brain to any state of consciousness in the now.
The importance of quality deep sleep
The importance of the quality of sleep is underestimated by many. It is not in the amount of hours that a person sleeps, but in the quality of that sleep. During the deep sleep cycle the body regenerates, relaxes and gets deeply energised. The amount of deep sleep normally reduces as we age. Children have more than 3 hours of deep sleep per night on average, while people over 60 may have only half an hour of deep sleep a night.
The deep sleep is also responsible, via the system of glyocells, of detoxifying the brain of heavy metals and other pollutants. If this detoxification doesn’t happen often enough, due to stress and lack of quality sleep, toxins build in the brain and can lead to all kinds of malfunctions, such as young alzheimer where a person in their mid 40ties can already start to suffer from impaired brain function.
NPS technology allows to create the background state during the night to entrain your brain to deep delta. It creates a deeper quality of sleep and a much better energisation in the morning
States of consciousness at your fingertips
With current technology, NPS technology is readily available on any smartphone, to take a catnap, relax for 20 minutes or half an hour during the day or do a little siesta.
Cyres promotes specific brainwave patterns that can help in all kinds of situations, from relaxation to enhanced learning and creativity and improved effectiveness. A deep dive in these technologies is in our Workshop on Personal Mastery.