Biography Cris Van Cleemput
Cris Van Cleemput is a corporate consultant, trainer, and speaker. He is fuelled by a need to help others grow; driven by the view that transformational education empowers people to become the best version of themselves. He has seen that a person can realize their fullest potential when they’re in a state of growth and when they can effectively manage and reduce stress. His speciality is leadership development excellence, helping leaders at all levels to improve their personal effectiveness.
As a corporate consultant, Cris gives on-site lectures and workshops for businesses and organisations interested in leadership development. His corporate program also includes private coaching.
Before Cris created his own organization, CYRES, his first position was Assistant Professor. Cris has a Masters in Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering, and taught future Masters in Engineering during their four years at University, Ugent, Belgium. Cris was also responsible for overseeing and offering guidance on their final research projects, which is a critical part of their fourth year where they learn to put their theory into practice and solve electrical, automation, and production issues in the real world. His specialties were electromagnetic fields, electrical machinery, and production systems of electricity. Three years later, Cris became Head of Department for Electrical Engineering. He was their youngest ever Head of Department, leading a team of 25 Professors and Assistant Professors. Later, his results with creating personal transformation and organisational transformation, inspired Cris to start a Personal Development company, CYRES (Create Your Reality Experience Self).
The most popular aspect of CYRES Training is Personal Mastery, that helps leaders, and future leaders, to become more aware of the impact their current practices are having on themselves and other people around them, and to see how they can improve. People respond best to leaders who set a good personal example and the Personal Mastery program empowers people to become the best version of themselves. Cris has received wide media coverage and acclaim in national Belgian magazines and newspapers.
Cris served on the Board of The Monroe Institute, USA, to share his experiences on expanded states of awareness, brainwave technology and neuroscience, as a path to creating a life of personal freedom, meaning, and happiness.
The current focus is on measuring, and increasing, resilience. Cris is researching and developing a program on how work culture can be redesigned to develop personal mastery, no matter what else may be going on around the individual or within the group of people / social network that the individual is part of.
Cris is also the CEO of Prometheon Technologies, a startup that is developing a new revolutionary high energy storage battery HBAT, a hybrid fuel cell, that works as a battery and as a fuel cell.
Cris travels internationally to give trainings, he absolutely loves the challenge of speaking/presenting, and he is fluent in English, Dutch, and French.
Effective leadership in Projects is about Observing, Listening, Supporting, Assessing and Decisiveness , even if it makes you unpopular. But, the Human Touch, flavored with Humor is the secret ingredient to drive the team forward.